Course Syllabus


Let’s get started! The program is self-guided, and we have put together the following curriculum to be completed over the next few weeks. You may proceed at your own pace, keeping in mind program closing dates and any upcoming deadlines for the NAFOA Leadership Summit.

Be sure to read and complete the User Intake and Agreements form before starting your modules.

Module 1: Introduction

Timeline Suggestion: Days 1-2
Average completion time:  1-3 hours

The introduction to Career Basics is designed to provide you with an overview of the two core areas covered in the program: Personal Finance and Career Development.


  1. Intro to Personal Finance and Career Development
  2. What is Personal Finance?
  3. Insights for Your Career Journey

Assignments and Quizzes

  1. Quiz: Personal Finance Basics
  2. Discussion: Insights for Your Career Journey

Optional Resources:

Module 2: Applying for Jobs

Timeline Suggestion: Days 3-4
Average completion time: 2-4 hours

A well-crafted resume and cover letter are essential tools for your professional journey. To ensure they showcase your skills and experiences, both documents must be accurate, compelling, and visually appealing. Every detail, from the content to the formatting, contributes to your overall job readiness.

Lesson: How to Write a Resume & Cover Letter


  1. Exercise: Creating a Resume
  2. Exercise: Writing A Cover Letter

Optional Resources:

Module 3: Crafting Your Personal Narrative & Networking

Timeline Suggestion: Days 5-6
Average completion time: 2-4 hours

Crafting a personal narrative is essential for professional development. You are the key player in your job search, shaping your goals and promoting your story to potential mentors, employers, and networks that can help you achieve your aspirations.


  1. Elevator Pitch
  2. Interviewing 101
  3. Dress for Success
  4. How to Use LinkedIn

Assignments and Quizzes

  1. Exercise: Creating Your "Elevator Pitch"
  2. Quiz: Understanding the STAR/CCAR Format
  3. Quiz: Dress for Success
  4. Exercise: Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
  5. Exercise: Share Your LinkedIn Profile (optional)


Module 4: Managing Your Money

Timeline Suggestion: Day 7
Average completion time: 1-3 hours

We will explore key budget items, such as income and housing expenses, and provide tips, considerations, and calculation strategies. Budgeting is a crucial tool for making informed financial decisions.

Optional: Intro to Economics & Career Spotlights

This module is optional and does not count toward program completion. However, it is highly recommended for participants planning to apply for the Leadership Summit.

Timeline Suggestion: Day 8-9
Average completion time: 1-2 hours

Ever wondered what it takes to succeed in the world of finance and corporate America? This session will delve into the economic foundations and explore the unique experiences of Native American professionals in the field


  1. Industries Overview
  2. Core Business Functions Overview
  3. Intro to Economics
  4. Career Spotlights

Optional: Negotiating

This module is optional and does not count toward program completion. However, it is highly recommended for participants planning to apply for the Leadership Summit.

Timeline Suggestion: Day 10
Average completion time: 0.5-2 hours

Negotiating is a crucial skill that requires practice. It is essential for advocating for yourself at work, such as seeking a promotion, and handling difficult conversations in all areas of life. In this session, you'll learn basic negotiation concepts, including BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), and apply these tools through a practice negotiation exercise with a peer.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due